Striped Toe Socks
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I Made It!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
An Alpaca Filled Day
Today the girls and I went to an alpaca farm out in Fairborn. I was a little hesitant about the whole thing, not really knowing what to expect at someones house, but it was a lot of fun. The property itself was beautiful. The owners have lived there for twenty years. They were looking for something they could all do together when they bought their first alpaca. Now they have thirty three. The barn is the kind of place stories should take place, old, with lots of nooks and crannies for imaginations to flow.
I bought some yarn (of course!), both from this farm and some that they traded for. I'll have to get pictures of that up tomorrow.
Overall it was just a really neat experience. The family is proud of the land and the alpacas. They have worked very hard to take good care of the animals and the love for their work shines through. This is the first year they have held an open house and although it is small, they did a nice job and I wish them lots of sales.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Four Foods on Friday
Root beer
#2. What’s your favorite spicy food?
Homemade salsa
#3. How do you handle hot dishes? Oven mitt, pot holder, towel?
Oven mitts
#4. Ice cream. How do you like yours?
With peanut butter sauce and whipped cream
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thankful Thanksgiving Thursday
~A drama free family gathering.
~Yummy food and friends to share it with.
~J and Molly
~An afternoon spent watching Arrested Development.
~Knitting socks!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Here is a list of things that bring me comfort when I'm sick.
~Tea, Emily, the Apple Crumble is all I want!
~A good book, currently reading The Magician, the Immortal Nicholas Flammel.
~Carbs, my Mom always made me toast with butter when I was sick.
~Some easy knitting, I'm craving a scarf, something thick and super soft, but it will need to wait for after Christmas.
Going to lie down now.
Monday, November 24, 2008
The Shalom
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Knitting This and That
I started my Mom's hat, using the You Haven't Met our Women pattern. I was reminded again though, that I can't count and chat at Knit Night without screwing something up. Thankfully it was just one row. It should be a quick knit and I want to add some other things to her package, but she really doesn't need anything.
I'm also plugging away at the Jaywalkers. My gauge is a little off. I decided to do a few decreases and hopefully they will still fit fine. I mean, they're sock, how bad can it be? (famous last words)
I need to pick up some yarn for D's fingerless gloves and get those going. I'm afraid they may take longer than I am planning on. I'm still at the "I have plenty of time" stage of thought on them.
Knitting was good tonight, a nice size group, and yay Emily is home!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Relaxed Saturday
Friday, November 21, 2008
Four Foods on Friday
Canned beets, my Dad made me try them when I was a kid. He told me if I didn't like them I could spit them out in his hand, much to his surprise I did just that.
#2. Share a funny or embarrassing story about a meal you’re made.
Not a meal, but I made a cake once with twice as much butter than was supposed to be in it. It must have weighted five pounds. My husband called it "mistake cake".
#3. What food do you burn or have problems cooking most often?
Rice, I blame my stove though.
#4. Name two foods you’ll be eating on this Thanksgiving.
Turkey and stuffing!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thankful Thursday
~"Shakey" snow globe snow
~Smell of, and taste of for that matter, fresh baked bread
~An almost done paper
~Molly, she looked so cute with snow on her nose.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A Knitting Meme
What is your all time favourite yarn to knit with?
Alpaca, hands down, I just love how soft it is.
Your favourite needles?
Addi turbos, I use circs for everything at this point and these are the best.
The worst thing you've ever knit?
My first scarf, it's such nice yarn, but it's just kind of awful.
Your most favourite knit pattern? (maybe you don't like wearing it...but it was the most fun to knit)
French Market Bag, simple and mindless.
Most valuable knitting technique?
Increases, I remember when I first started to knit I thought I would never learn them and would always have to make straight things. In a more advanced way, short row heels.
Best knit book or magazine?
Interweave Knits, I love how wearable everything is.
Your favourite knit-a-long?
Never done one.
Your favourite knitblogs?
I love Yarn Harlot and my friends blogs, I think I need to add some more knitting blogs to my daily read.
Your favourite knitwear designer?
Kate Gilbert, I just love her flair.
The knit item you wear the most? (how about a picture of it!)
My socks have gotten a lot of wear lately, also fingerless gloves.
(From So Much Yarn, So Little Time)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Holidays Are Coming!
As an adult I've tried to hold on to all those special things, tried to make my own traditions, but my husband is pretty indifferent to Christmas. He doesn't have all the great holiday memories that I do. It has said over and over that "it's just a day". After his parents moved away he was sad without them, missing them extra during those family times. We spend one Christmas dinner alone together and he cried over his loneliness.
Now his parents will be home for Christmas for the first time in years and he wants to leave, to go to Cleveland and spend Christmas with his grandparents, who we are frankly, just not close to. I can't help but feel like the holidays of my youth are lost to me now. Now Christmas is stress and worries and fighting, and I hate it.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Both Sides of People
I had the cutest/funniest conversation with a Walgreens cashier today. He reminded me of Coffee Guy, that silly sweetness. He told me all about how he was putting himself through school and all the pros and cons of working at Walgreens. Although I had gone in to buy Aleve to fight killer cramps, I came out smiling.
The good and bad I guess.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Two Weeks Down
I am so madly in love with the Shalom, I'm almost afraid to say it. I didn't get as much done tonight as I had hoped since Lisa and I left early to go to Dolcessa and see Alex. No car trouble tonight, thank God. Alex is in such a good happy place right now, I hope he can stay there and add school back in next quarter. I want so much for him, but I know life is hard and rarely turns out the way you expect it to.
I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving and then Christmas is so close after that. The quarter is almost done and I am honestly just flat out relieved. It has been so much less stressful since dropping the math class. School feels completely endless right now, like I'm on a school treadmill where you never go forward, just on and on, while staying exactly where you were before.
(Off to knit a few more rows before bed)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I'm Not Good at Thrifting
Well, in the middle of writing this Camron called and we all talked for almost two hours. It was so good to talk to him and I got off the phone and cried. I think I'm just feeling overly emotional, what else is new.
Ugg, pointless blog today.
Friday, November 14, 2008
A Cozy Kind of Day
Today was one of those days that seemed chilly when in fact it really wasn't. None the less I showered and put my jammies bottoms and sweater on and settled in for a day of housework and paper writing. The paper took so much longer than I thought it would. I only got a third of it done. I have to read journal articles, summarize them and then answer some questions. This sounded so easy, but I didn't think about the fact that these are written by scientists and doctors for others of their kind.
Last night I made a yummy Italain stew and I thought you'all might enjoy the recipe. Chris it's a meat free dish.
Italian Tortellini Stew
9 cups
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 carrot, finely chopped
1 rib celery, finely chopped (omitted due to my hatred of it)
1 onion, chopped
1 (28-ounce) can crushed tomatoes, undrained
1 (15.5-ounce) can Great Northern beans, drained and rinsed
1 (32-ounce) container ready-to-serve chicken broth (Iused more like 40 oz)
2 tablespoons dried basil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 medium zucchini, cut into 1/2-inch chunks
1 (8-ounce) package dried cheese-filled tortellini
I also added garlic
- In a soup pot, heat oil over medium heat. Add carrot, celery, and onion, and cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Stir in tomatoes, beans, chicken broth, basil, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer 30 minutes.
- Add zucchini and tortellini then bring to a boil; reduce heat to low and simmer uncovered for 15 minutes, or until tortellini are tender.
I've been moving right along on the Shalom. I finished the yoke tonight, so know it's time to move into the mindless body. I don't mind this kind of knitting, it allows my thoughts to travel elsewhere.
Tomorrow a return trip to Troy, since D was jealous that we had so much fun without her last week. Can I leave town without buying yarn?
Sam-if we didn't already have a car full I'd stop and pick you up. I promise to drink something hot and yummy for you.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thankful Thursday
~ Family dinners
~Morning sun, evening rain
~Drinks with new friends
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Random Wednesday
1) I'm reading The Story of Edgar Sawtelle, I both love and hate it. It envelopes you and yet you spend each page wondering if something bad will happen next. I love Edgar and and Almondine and the other dogs and I want to keep them safe on the pages.
2) My MIL has asked J and I to have dinner with my BIL and his girlfriend. This would be the woman he was seeing right after his separation and probably during his marriage. I don't think much of him, so I'm not sure why I should bother with her.
3) The Shalom is moving along slowly, but I like it.
4) I'm hitting dead ends while trying to find journal articles for a psych paper, ugg!
5) Sephora order is here!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My Grandpa
I was around eight when I found out he used to beat my Dad on a regular basis. I saw the scars on his back, and thinking they were some kind of back wrinkle "old" people got I laughed. My Mom explained that they were from a belt and that Grandpa had done it. I remember being embarrassed to have laughed, sad and shocked. I got the story in bits and pieces as the years went on. That my grandparents had a difficult marriage, that my grandfather drank, that my grandmother left her boys alone with him so she could get away. My grandmother had severe depression, she was treated with electroshock therapy that wiped out the memory of my Dad and his brothers. It would be very easy to blame one or the other of them for what happened or how they reacted to it, but of course they shared the blame in all of that mess that created five sons. As an adult my Dad confronted his father about the abuse. My grandfather claimed no memory of it, said he was sorry if that was what happened. I don't think he ever said anything to his mother. I do now the grief he felt when his father died was not comparable to the matter of fact way he dealt with losing his mother.
My grandfather was in WWII and he always described that time as the best years of his life. As and adult my Dad would talk on the phone with grandpa and he would tell him stories of the War. It was until after he died that we found his metals, a purple heart and silver star. He had shrapnel blown into his chest during one battle, but refused to ever have it removed, he just kept going. He was in the second wave at Normandy, he heard General Patton's speech to the troops.
When I try to add all these things up in my mind I come up with a whole man. Painfully, horribly flawed, but those years were not the whole of what defined him. I don't have a lot of memories of him, but I do picture him smiling when I think of him. My Dad shared this story at his funeral. When his Dad would come from work, when all the boys were little, they would run to the kitchen and encircle him for hugs. He would always laugh and tell them they had steamed up his classes. It's such a small thing, and sad to think that is the only really good memory to share, but it's something. Something to cling to and know he wasn't all bad.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Under the Category of People Who Have Too Much Time on Their Hands
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Knitting Christmas Gifts/Grandma's non Birhtday
In other news and thoughts of the day. Yesterday was my Grandma's birhtday, not today like Mom thought. Grandma was born in a cabin in the hills of KY 87 yrs ago, and apparently the midwife wasn't paying too close attention to the clock. For her first fifty years Grandma thought her birthday was the 8th, but when she began collection Social Security she discovered her legal birthday was the 9th. I also think she mizes it up every year to confuse us. I got her my now standard gift, scratch off lottery tickets. She loves them and often wins small amounts of money. I get a cut if she hits it big.
Woo hoo! I wasn't sure I was going to make it today before midnight.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Four Foods on Friday
~whole wheat pasta and tomato sauce
#2. Name a food you like with whipped cream in it or on it.
#3. Name a food you like with blueberry in it.
#4. Share a recipe for pasta or dessert or a beverage.
Wonder Bars
1 and 1/3 sticks butter
2 cups brown sugar
3 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 and 3/4 cups flour
2 and 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1-2 pkg chips of choice
Melt butter
Add sugar and dry ingredients
Fold in chips
Spread in 9x13 pan
Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees
There is a Black Hole in my Kitchen
As much as I love things to be in a constant state of order, it rarely ever gets there or stays there long enough to enjoy it. So here it is while it lasts.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thankful Thursday

I often have the same things on this list, family and friends, and Molly. I will always have them on my list, but I'm trying to expand to include smaller things. These thing often seem like they should go on the in my head version of a things that make me happy list, but what should I be thankful for if not the things that make me happy? Or is the point to be thankful for everything even when I don't understand why? In The Hiding Place, a book I read in school and later on my own, Corrie Ten Boom talks about being in Ravensbruck, a concentration camp in Germany. The bunks were infested with fleas and Corrie, through her faith, thanked God for the fleas, not knowing why, but trusting there was a reason. She later learned that those fleas kept the guards out of the rooms, keeping the women much safer and allowing her to share her faith with others. I am by no means that strong in faith or character, but that part of her story still stands out to me.
Corrie Ten Boom in her later years
This is one of those posts that got away from me and became something else entirely.
I'm thankful for:
~A clean soft bed to cuddle, read and make love in
~That my mind holds the capacity to learn and my heart to expand and love
~The weather this week and the cold winter to come
~The holidays
~Socks that I made and future socks others will stay warm in because of my hands and skill
~Having enough
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Momentous Indeed
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day '08
I also couldn't be happier that all the campaign ads will stop after today.

Monday, November 3, 2008
Feeling Refreshed
Sundays knitting had been feeling stale for me for longer than I care to admit. I could nevr put my finger on why and suspected all along it was me. Thinking back knitting hasn't gone well for me until recently and I can see why going to a group focused on knitting was a reminder of my own failings. Things are better now and some new members have enhanced and refreshed us as a whole.
I woke up early, again, but felt fine until midday, when sleepiness began to tug on me. After class I did some homework, cast on the next sock and allowed myself a nap. I haven't felt this well rested in a long time. Which is good because now I have work, the grocery store and hanging out with Christina to fill the rest of my day.
In case you missed it, I finished the sock!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
As the Heel Turns
I found the sock yarn I had bought months before, a silky yellow wool. I had begun the ribbing, but had put it aside. I looked at tutorials and found a few that were helpful. I talked to Emily and Lisa about the heel, my most feared sock part, and decided a short row heel sounded doable. And it was. I can't claim a complete sock and I am no where near two, but I do have an almost finished sock that I feel is just a beginning.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Blogging about blogging
So consider yourselves warned, minutia will follow.
Today I had lunch and a long coffee/writing session with D and my Mom. They have decided to write a novel and have begun to develop characters and plot a story. It was at this point that I realized what a cynic I am. The story is ok, it's not going to be the next Great American novel, but it's no worse than your average Lifetime movie. My face gave me away though. I have no poker face. I hope I do better when I have kids.
We also went to Van Maur, the new anchor store at the Greene. I's very high end and I enjoyed walking around, touching the clothes I couldn't afford. It reminded me of girls weekends in Chicago, which always brings back bittersweet, but mostly happy memories. We havev't had a long weekend since Beth died. Now Chrstina is old enough to go with us and start making her own memories. I hope we are able to plan somethng for spring. Those trips are special. They're part of how we formed the tight family unit we are.
Tomorrow, sock knitting.