Striped Toe Socks
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Sell By 08/04/10
I'm definitely feeling like things are wrapping up. The baby is head down, and I have pre-period like cramps and occasional twinges of all out pain in my cervix. The Braxton Hicks are also more frequent, though still not painful Relaxin has made me feel like a floppy doll who's seams are coming loose around the joints.
The nursery should be done on Monday and all the furniture will be moved in Tuesday. All the tiny baby things are washed and ready to go in the drawers. I even have my hospital bag (mostly) packed.
I'm beyond excited about the impending arrival of the little one. Even my fear of labor and recovery has moved to the back burner. It just seems like one more step I have to go through to get our baby here.
I've loved being pregnant, even through the awful sick all the time stage. I think I will feel a little sad when I'm not anymore, but it's worth the exchange.