Striped Toe Socks
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Photographs and Memories
Photos tell a story, they record a life and the events that have made up that life. This is true for my Mom. She has many albums full of pictures from her youth to her early days with my Dad and later the lives of my brother and I. I've always loved these pictures. Loved laughing at my hippie uncles in their wedding album, loved the pictures of them at "the lake", where my dad went with his family growing up and where my parents had their honeymoon. I love seeing my parents before they became my parents. Then there are the baby albums, my Moms growing belly, the picture where my day compares her stomach to the two car garage. Them smiling from the hospital room with cranky, old man faced me. Birthday parties, vacations, the entrance of my baby brother. Later proms and graduations. My life captured and contained in spiral bound albums that I still love to drag out.
I'm a total failure at pictures.
I have rolls of undeveloped film and I have never, that's right, NEVER, printed a digital pic. My kids won't have albums of pictures to glimpse my life before them. If they're lucky they'll be able to insert a CD, or whatever we'll have then, and peak into the past.
Hmmmm, maybe it's time to put those honeymoon pictures in my own album.
So, here is a picture from Christmas '06.

LtoR, Kim, Me, Mom, Christina, Deborah
I'm a total failure at pictures.
I have rolls of undeveloped film and I have never, that's right, NEVER, printed a digital pic. My kids won't have albums of pictures to glimpse my life before them. If they're lucky they'll be able to insert a CD, or whatever we'll have then, and peak into the past.
Hmmmm, maybe it's time to put those honeymoon pictures in my own album.
So, here is a picture from Christmas '06.
LtoR, Kim, Me, Mom, Christina, Deborah
posted by Ginny at 12:36 PM

Oh Ginny!! I love this post! Everything you said about still loving to look at all of those pictures is exactly why I love taking them :) I hope my kids enjoy them like you do!!!
And for the love of God develop the film. PLEASE. You are going to give me a stroke if you don't. Geez.
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