Striped Toe Socks

Friday, February 6, 2009

Planning Ahead for Valentines

Valentines Day isn't a big deal in my house. I've mentioned before I don't have the most romantic of husbands, but he is very good with the practical, so I keep him around anyway. Some years we go out for dinner, some years we don't do much of anything. This year I suggested cooking steaks at home, some wives might not think of this as a treat, but I like to cook and don't really think of throwing meat on the George Foreman to be that much work. I hadn't given dessert much though though until I read the Pioneer Womans blog. This woman is my food god. I've made a handful of her recipes and they are always impressive, but simple to make. The other day she posted a recipe for Baked Fudge. I will be making it for VD, I may even share some with J. I thought someone else might want to make it for themselves or their well behaved sweetie. If you go to her blog don't forget to enter the contest for a Kitchenaid mixer, if you're into that kind of thing.
posted by Ginny at 5:56 PM


I'm going to have to check that blog out - I know Lisa raves about her too! Believe me - I'm in the same boat with the practical, but not romantic guy - my birthday was last week, but just tonight he took me out for Thai, which was about as much as I could hope for!

February 6, 2009 at 9:12 PM  

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